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Influence of branching density on the cross-linkability of ethylene-octene copolymers

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Citace článku v časopise:
POONGAVALAPPIL, Sameepa, Petr SVOBODA (FT), Rajesh THERAVALAPPIL, Dagmar SVOBODOVÁ, Toshiaki OUGIZAWA a Tomáš SEDLÁČEK. Influence of branching density on the cross-linkability of ethylene-octene copolymers. Polymer Journal [online]. 2013, vol. 45, iss. 6, s. 651-658. [cit. 2024-10-07]. ISSN 0032-3896. Dostupné z: http://www.nature.com/pj/journal/v45/n6/abs/pj2012189a.html.

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