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Auditing of SMEs: Issues caused by international harmonization of financial reporting (from Czech perspective)

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ČSN ISO 690:2011 citation

Citace článku v časopise:
MÜLLEROVÁ, Libuše, Marie PASEKOVÁ, Jiří STROUHAL, Adela DEACONU, Bohuslava KNAPOVÁ a Dana DVOŘÁKOVÁ. Auditing of SMEs: Issues caused by international harmonization of financial reporting (from Czech perspective). International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences [online]. 2011, vol. 5, iss. 3, s. 517-524. [cit. 2024-10-14]. ISSN 1998-0140. Dostupné z: http://www.naun.org/main/NAUN/ijmmas/19-896.pdf.

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