
Návštěvy celkem

Preparation of active antibacterial LDPE surface through multistep physicochemical approach: I. Allylamine grafting, attachment of antibacterial agent and antibacterial activity assessment 686

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Preparation of active antibacterial LDPE surface through multistep physicochemical approach: I. Allylamine grafting, attachment of antibacterial agent and antibacterial activity assessment 3 4 1 1 1 2 2

Stažení souborů

Fulltext_1002635.pdf 9

Nejvíce zobrazení ze země

United States 550
Germany 44
Česká republika 19
China 15
Russia 12
Sweden 10
Vietnam 4
Canada 3
Ireland 3
United Kingdom 2

Nejvíce zobrazení z města

Ashburn 436
Fairfield 18
Mountain View 13
Louisville 12
Des Moines 11
Beijing 8
Boardman 8
Beverly Hills 7
Cambridge 7
Falls Church 5