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Utilization of enriched hydrogen blends in the diesel engine with MgO nanoparticles for effective engine performance and emission control

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Citace článku v časopise:
ANUPONG, Wongchai, Ruangwong ON-UMA, Kumchai JUTAMAS, Beáta GAVUROVÁ, Arunachalam CHINNATHAMBI, Tahani Awad ALAHMADI, Manigandan SEKAR, Kathirvel BRINDHADEVI a Arivalagan PUGAZHENDHI. Utilization of enriched hydrogen blends in the diesel engine with MgO nanoparticles for effective engine performance and emission control. Fuel [online]. 2023, vol. 334 [cit. 2024-10-03]. ISSN 0016-2361. Dostupné z: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016236122033762.

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