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Gas and vapour transport and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube and carbon fibre-reinforcement of ethylene-octene copolymer membranes

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ČSN ISO 690:2011 citation

Citace článku v konferenčním sborníku:
SEDLÁKOVÁ, Zuzana, Gabriele CLARIZIA, Paola BERNARDO, Johannes Carolus JANSEN, Petr SLOBODIAN, Petr SVOBODA (FT), Magda KÁRÁSZOVÁ, Karel FRIESS a Pavel IZAK. Gas and vapour transport and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube and carbon fibre-reinforcement of ethylene-octene copolymer membranes. In: 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014 [online]. Czech Society of Chemical Engineering, 2014, s. 465.

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