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Adhesion of Rhodococcus sp. S3E2 and Rhodococcus sp. S3E3 to plasma prepared Teflon-like and organosilicon surfaces

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ČSN ISO 690:2011 citation

Citace článku v časopise:
LEHOCKÝ, Marián, Pavel SŤAHEL, Marek KOUTNÝ, Jan ČECH, Jakub INSTITORIS a Aleš MRÁČEK. Adhesion of Rhodococcus sp. S3E2 and Rhodococcus sp. S3E3 to plasma prepared Teflon-like and organosilicon surfaces. Journal of Materials Processing Technology [online]. 2009, vol. 209, iss. 6, s. 2871-2875. [cit. 2024-10-05]. ISSN 0924-0136. Dostupné z: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924013608005487.

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