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Root cause analysis of coining tool failure with proposed solution to extend its service life

Repozitář DSpace/Manakin

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dc.title Root cause analysis of coining tool failure with proposed solution to extend its service life en Ťavodová, Miroslava Beňo, Pavel Luptáková, Jana Stančeková, Dana Náprstková, Nataša Monková, Katarína
dc.relation.ispartof Engineering Failure Analysis
dc.identifier.issn 1350-6307 Scopus Sources, Sherpa/RoMEO, JCR
dc.identifier.issn 1873-1961 Scopus Sources, Sherpa/RoMEO, JCR 2024
utb.relation.volume 162
dc.type article
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Elsevier Ltd
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2024.108372
dc.subject failure analysis en
dc.subject root cause en
dc.subject coining tool en
dc.subject tool steel en
dc.subject coating en
dc.subject service life en
dc.description.abstract The article deals with a root cause analysis of coining tool failure after its untimely discarding and the design to extend its service life by innovating the manufacturing process. The analysis was performed on the coining die which had to be put out of service due to the insufficient quality of minted stainless coins. The purity of steel and the microstructure of the material of the semi-finished goods were evaluated. Furthermore, an analysis of the coining die failure under the surface and in the core was performed as well as the state of the chromium layer failure on the coining die relief. Based on the results of the analysis, a new experimental coining die was designed and produced according to an innovative manufacturing process. The pressing of the relief was carried out in a vacuum furnace and relief was coated with a TiAlN by the PVD method. New processes introduced in the production of coining die prevented the failure of die punches, extended the time of operation, thereby increasing quality of the coin production. en
utb.faculty Faculty of Technology
utb.faculty Faculty of Technology
utb.identifier.obdid 43885623
utb.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-85192075736
utb.identifier.wok 001325592200001
utb.identifier.coden EFANE
utb.source j-scopus 2024-08-22T12:59:38Z 2024-08-22T12:59:38Z
dc.description.sponsorship European Regional Development Fund, ERDF; Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky, (APVV - 19-0550)
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
dc.rights.access openAccess
utb.ou Department of Manufacturing Technology and Quality Management
utb.contributor.internalauthor Monková, Katarína
utb.fulltext.sponsorship The paper was written based on the research intention and solution of the research grant project "Progressive Research into Utility Properties of Materials and Products Based on Wood (Ligno Pro)", ITMS 313011 T720, supported by the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (OPII), funded by the ERDF.
utb.fulltext.sponsorship The article was prepared with a support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic through the grant APVV-19-0550.
utb.wos.affiliation [Tavodova, Miroslava; Naprstkova, Natasa; Monkova, Katarina] Tech Univ Zvolen, Fac Technol, Dept Mfg Technol & Qual Management, Zvolen, Slovakia; [Beno, Pavel] Tech Univ Zvolen, Fac Technol, Dept Mech Mech Engn & Design, Zvolen, Slovakia; [Luptakova, Jana] Tech Univ Zvolen, Inst Foreign Languages, Zvolen, Slovakia; [Stancekova, Dana] Univ Zilina, Fac Mech Engn, Dept Machining & Prod Technol, Zvolen, Slovakia; [Naprstkova, Natasa] Jan Evangelista Purkyne Univ Usti Labem, Inst Technol & Mat, Fac Mech Engn, Usti Nad Labem, Czech Republic; [Monkova, Katarina] Tech Univ Kosice, Fac Mfg Technol Seat Presov, Kosice, Slovakia; [Monkova, Katarina] Tomas Bata Univ Zlin, Fac Technol, Nam TG Masaryka 275, Zlin 76001, Czech Republic
utb.scopus.affiliation Department of Manufacturing Technology and Quality Management, Faculty of Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia; Department of Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering and Design, Faculty of Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia; The Institute of Foreign Languages, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia; Department of Machining and Production Technologies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zilina, Slovakia; Institute of Technology and Materials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic; Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with a seat in Presov, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia; Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Nam. T.G. Masaryka 275, Zlin, 760 01, Czech Republic
utb.fulltext.projects ITMS 313011 T720
utb.fulltext.projects APVV-19-0550
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