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Comparison of gluten-free dough ability to produce leavening gas during baking and its impact on crumb characteristics

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Citace článku v časopise:
BUREŠOVÁ, Iva, David BUREŠ a Klára ČUREČKOVÁ. Comparison of gluten-free dough ability to produce leavening gas during baking and its impact on crumb characteristics. Kvasný průmysl [online]. 2017, vol. 63, iss. 1, s. 8-10. [cit. 2025-02-23]. ISSN 0023-5830. Dostupné z: http://kvasnyprumysl.cz/artkey/kpr-201701-0002_porovnani_schopnosti_bezlepkoveho_testa_produkovat_kyprici_plyn_behem_peceni_a_jeho_vliv_na_kvalitu_peciva.php.

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